Propaganda Posters

In class we designed propaganda posters. Propaganda posters were used in World War 2 to persuade civilians to do certain things like grow your own vegetables, eat vegetables or evacuate your child. In class we got into pairs to try and either design our own propaganda poster or copy an existing one.


First we designed our poster filling in boxes for:

  • What it’s going to say
  • What it’s going to show
  • What it’s going to mean
  • Who the audience is going to be

Some things to think about were:

  • The information doesn’t have to be completely true (ie. If you were doing it about evacuation you could make everyone happy so they thought it was a good thing)
  • Make it bold and colourful
  • Make sure the picture gives across the same point of view as the writing

After we were confident with the layout we did a quick sketch of the poster before getting artists paper and drawing our real copy. The posters turned out really good!!

Real propaganda posters from World War 2:


Image result for propaganda posters ww2 dig for victory


Image result for propaganda posters ww2 food


Here are our posters. See if you can see what the poster is trying to convince you to do:

By Rhianna

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