Academy Library Visit

As you probably know we are all in P7 – So that means that we will all be going to the academy soon! Yay! But to know what we are going through we need to have a lot of visits. One of the visits we have already been on was to the library. It was SO big compared to our one and has so many more books than ours as well! So first, after we put our jackets away we had a quick look around. Then the librarians sat us down and they introduced themselves. We did a few activities in the library and then the librarians were kind enough to give us juice / water and biscuits. While we were eating / drinking we had a look around and it turns out that they have AMAZING books that will suit everyone’s taste and style of books. It was really fun and we will definitely be going to the library when we are S1s and older!

Image result for library

By Sophie Aiken – P7F 🙂

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