Music-Barnyard of Delgaty

This term in music we were learning a song called ‘Barnyards of Delgaty’ and then we learnt how to play to the it  using instruments.

First we had to learn the lyrics to the song. It was really fun learning the song but quite hard at the same time because the song was Scottish and the words were different from to ones we use today.

For example: Father = Faither

When we finally learnt the song we then had to learn how to play to it. At first we all played the tune/melody until we all remembered it and the people who learnt it fast could learn how to do vamping on the keyboards. Later on we all had a chance to play the melody/tune, the harmony, the cords and vamping. After we all had a shot at playing each of the parts we could think which part we would like to play to the song.

A week later…

The following week we could pick which part we want to do( from the melody/tune, the harmony, the cords and vamping). It was quite loud when we were all practicing but we all learnt our part in time. We also added the drums. At the end of the session Mr Flett came to hear us playing and he said that we played very well.

A week later…

For the last week of music we learnt how to play and sing at the same time. We first sang the song again and then we played again. And then we put it together. After we practiced for a long time we got Mr Flett to see it. He was really impressed and said we should put it on the blog… so here it is!

See what you think!


By Wanessa

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