codes = Enigma Code



The first image you are seeing is an example of what they believe the enigma code looked like. If we didn’t crack it the war would have gone on for two or three more years or we might even have lost the war!

The second image you are seeing is part of the strategy they used to crack it.

The third image is what one of the German Enigma machines looked like – they were capable of creating up to… wait for it…

158,962,555,217,826,360,000 different combinations!

(To find out how, watch this video:

The fourth image you are seeing is the machine that was used to crack the so called unbreakable code – this was the world’s FIRST computer and it took up the size of basically a whole room.

Some of the jobs of people employed at Bletchley Park, the British code-breakers residence, were mathematicians, scientists and – you wont believe this – but even crossword puzzle experts!!

By Blake

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