Community Circle

In P7F we have been learning about feelings and worries. To start this, we read a book called the Huge Bag of Worries. Its about a girl called Jenny. Jenny has a lot to worry about. Wherever she goes a huge bag of worries always follows her.  She asks her parents, older brother and her best friend but their ideas do not work. However when she meets a kind old lady, she decides that Jenny’s worries should be shown to the light of day. What this means is to let someone know about your worries. They can help you out. If  you have a worry let someone know and sometime’s some worries are not yours. They belong to somebody else. For example you might worry that your parents might lose their job. But it’s not really your worry that they might lose their job because it’s their job, not yours.

Here’s how we did it:

1.Mr. Flett told us to write our worry on a sticky note and NOT put our names on it.

2.This way there’s less chance that someone could make fun of you for worrying about it.

3.Then we all sat in a circle.

4.Next Mr. Flett took out a worry and read it out to us.

5.Then an object (such as a ball) would be passed around.

6.Anyone who has some advice to say about the worry will have the ball and they will say their advice. Nobody should know who’s worry it was unless they’re the person who wrote it.

We would do at least 2 or 3 worries in each community circle. The idea of this activity is to help someone feel better and let them know that their worry maybe isn’t such a big worry after all.

By Uma.



One thought on “Community Circle”

  1. It was nice to be able to share our worries, it feels a load better when you talk to someone about it. ﴾´• ◞ •`﴿

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