Achievements Assembly 30th January

On the 30th of January 2017 the Primary fours to sevens had a second achievement assembly for people who had a big achievement to be celebrated. There was four people from p7F who got achievements. Their names are Oliver, Uma, Isobel and Cerys. Oliver and Uma had the same achievement. Isobel and Cerys had the same achievement too. Oliver and Uma went to the Rotary quiz and they were in the same team. The team worked hard together and we came second. When we were at the assembly we got called up and got a Rotary certificate from the Rotary and one at the assembly. Isobel and Cerys got gold certificates off of Mathletics because they have been working hard and going on it week after week to keep on getting certificates. You need five bronze certificates to get a silver. You can get four silver to get a gold. That’s how Isobel and Cerys won their gold certificates. Go onto the Mathletics post to see the gold certificates they won!

By Oliver

Mathletics UK#

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