Genius Time

Genius Time is when you get to work on what you want. People that work at Google even get to work on what they want for 20% of their time. That was how Gmail and other sites were created.


Here is a link to a video explaining what Genius Time is – have a look!

For Genius Time we got to pick what we wanted to learn. We first needed to do research and then create some form of presentation about what we have learned (we could present a PowerPoint, a model, a website, a game, a knitted cat… whatever fit the project we chose!). Here are some are some projects that were doing right now.

  • Learning Languages
  • Making games
  • Making Websites
  • Making Animations
  • Making A Model (For instance the Empire State Building, a Pyramid and pokeballs)
  • Making complex graphs in Excel
  • Learn Magic Tricks
  • To learn Knitting
  • To develop their skills on Scratch
  • How to make a lava lamp
  • And Lots Lots More

Here are some links to some games and websites we have made so far:

We are really enjoying doing genius time. Make sure to come back later to see our finished projects!

By Joao and Callum C.

10 thoughts on “Genius Time”

  1. I really like how you get to decide what you want to do! I’ve been trying to learn Spanish. My mum said she enjoyed helping me with my project during the open day!

  2. I tried Callum C’s game – I found it fun but quite difficult to finish. Well done everyone for the range of things tried

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