Google Expeditions

On Friday the 4th of November we had a special guest come in from google. She showed us how to use a VR head set. Which showed us inside a volcano. We visited Mount Bromo in Indonesia, St Helens in America, Erta Ale and Dallol Volcanoes which are both in Ethiopia and Mount Kilauea in Hawaii. So quite the trip around the world! When we visited the volcanoes we saw acid pools, inside craters, lahar, ash cloud, hot lava, pyroclastic flow and fire.

The acid pools are green and yellow. If you touch it with your finger, your finger will dissolve. The craters look like a big hole in the ground and if you touch it, it would be very rough and it might be hot. Lahar is concrete thick mud and it can bury you alive. Ash clouds are like smoke that comes out the top of the volcano, acid rain can come out of it and it can burn everything it hits. Hot lava rushes out of the crater after it erupts, it can go up to 40 km but is usually as slow as walking. Pyroclastic flows spread ash and acid rain. Fire can spread from magma and acid rain.

Here are some pictures that show these in action:

Acid pools

Pyroclastic flow

Lava/Magma (Magma when it’s inside the volcano but Lava after the Volcano has erupted and it’s reached the surface)


Ash cloud

We also visited the moon, mars and space. On Mars there is a humongous volcano, it is 100 times bigger than any volcano on Earth! We visited the Moon. On the moon there were big craters. In space we saw the Milky Way, stars, the Earth, the Sun and Saturn. The VR headsets looked so real and cool. Thank you google for coming to our school.

By Cerys and Cameron

7 thoughts on “Google Expeditions”

  1. It was really fun. I loved seeing it in 3D rather than on a screen. It’s helped me to remember more about volcanoes. My mum said it sounded like a great experience and thought that we were lucky to get the opportunity to do it.

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