beautiful earth e-books

In class we have been learning about mindfulness. Mindfulness means to enjoy the present instead of the past or future. Some things you could do to be mindful is:

  • Eating Slowly
  • When you go on a walk you could take time to look at the world around you
  • Do a sport such as tai-chi or yoga

To go along with this we are making beautiful earth e-books on book creator.

We got into pairs of our choice and took photos outside. The photos we took outside were of things like trees, flowers, leaves and even mushrooms. As well as photos we took videos, panoramas and audio clips.

We learned about different types of photos like a rule of three. The middle part of the picture is the focus, the top part is the background, such as the sky. The bottom of the picture is the foreground, such as grass. Here are some examples:

rule-of-thirds sunset

After we had taken the photos we started making covers for our books. If we finished the cover we could go onto the contents page or start uploading the media. As well as a variety of media we had to put information in such as facts, poems or even quizzes.

By Rhianna

7 thoughts on “beautiful earth e-books”

  1. I loved doing the wow posters! they were WOW-TASTIC! (just like a chinchilla, but not quite as good!) 🙂
    Emma xX

  2. Great blog, I found this especially interesting as I attended a workshop on Mindfulness at work just last week! by Rhianna’s Mum.

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