All posts by Miss Thomson

What we have learned this week at school

We have had a very busy week in P1T. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed doing and learning about.


‘We learned about the solar system’  – Alexander

‘There are 8 planets’ – Elizabeth

‘There is a planet that has volcanoes on it. Venus’- Jamie

‘There is a planet that has rings. Saturn.’ – Amie

‘The sun is a big star’- Bethany

‘We  did writing about landing on the moon. I liked writing it’ -Rachel

‘We learned about keeping ourselves safe when it’s night time’ – Antoine

‘We made stars’ – Francesca

‘The sun is a big ball of gas’ – Jamie

‘The planets move around the sun’ – Elizabeth


We have been learning about adding. We read the book ‘ One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish’ and used red and blue fish cards to help us with our adding.

‘ I liked doing my maths. Learning about adding.’ -Ethan

‘I liked doing my maths and using the fish’ – Cameron C

‘We practiced our sums and days of the week’ – Ruby


We learned a new sound in Active Literacy. We learned the ‘sh’ sound.

‘We learned the sound ‘sh” – Charlie

‘I liked  learning about the letters’ -Cameron M

I liked  making my shark’ -Ethan

Hibernating Hedgehog

We have been learning all about nocturnal animals. We learned that during the winter when there is less food and the weather gets cold hedgehogs find a warm and sheltered place to rest. This is called hibernation.

We painted our own pictures of hedgehogs. img_10091 img_10101 img_10111 img_10121


When we returned to school after the long weekend we couldn’t find one of our hedgehogs! We looked all over the classroom for it. We then remembered all about hibernation. One of our hedgehogs had crawled under the desk and found a box to rest in!


It was hibernating!