What we have learned this week at school

We have had a very busy week in P1T. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed doing and learning about.


‘We learned about the solar system’  – Alexander

‘There are 8 planets’ – Elizabeth

‘There is a planet that has volcanoes on it. Venus’- Jamie

‘There is a planet that has rings. Saturn.’ – Amie

‘The sun is a big star’- Bethany

‘We  did writing about landing on the moon. I liked writing it’ -Rachel

‘We learned about keeping ourselves safe when it’s night time’ – Antoine

‘We made stars’ – Francesca

‘The sun is a big ball of gas’ – Jamie

‘The planets move around the sun’ – Elizabeth


We have been learning about adding. We read the book ‘ One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish’ and used red and blue fish cards to help us with our adding.

‘ I liked doing my maths. Learning about adding.’ -Ethan

‘I liked doing my maths and using the fish’ – Cameron C

‘We practiced our sums and days of the week’ – Ruby


We learned a new sound in Active Literacy. We learned the ‘sh’ sound.

‘We learned the sound ‘sh” – Charlie

‘I liked  learning about the letters’ -Cameron M

I liked  making my shark’ -Ethan