Session 9 – supernatural stories…

Session 9 – Part 2, Creating Supernatural Stories

We started Session 9 by listing different Supernatural Entities – some of which had been researched as homework by the S2s (see the last blog post!)

Here’s a photo of the whiteboard with the list we made during the session.

In the second half of the session, the classes were split into 9 groups and used story dice to create their own supernatural story. The dice we used were Rory’s Story Cubes which were purchased with funds provided by the Scottish Book Trust’s Live Literature scheme as part of the Residency.

Here are some of the stories the groups created!

“A man was in prison because he stole some dinosaur bones. His friend came to save him with his pet frog that was poisonous. He squeezed the frog to get poison out and he put the poison into some water and gave it to the guard outside his friend’s cell. The prison guard fell ill so they escaped and called their fake doctor friend to help the guard. But before he could get there, a young beautiful girl came to help him. She had a magic star that healed people.”

Two unicorn friends, Tirek and Jerome, were relaxing and playing on their phones. Jerome decided they should have an adventure and booked a holiday to Afghanistan for a week. They got on the plane and made their way there. They arrived at the hotel and booked a parachute jump! That night they sat down to play a board game – Tirek won and Jerome was a bit sad.

One night a man went exploring using a flashlight. He went over a bridge and found a castle. He picked a lock and went in. There he saw his own shadow – it looked like a werewolf – he got scared. He found a magnet. He saw what time it was and had to go home but it was a stormy night and he was scared to leave the castle. As he was walking home, he was struck by lightening and didn’t make it home.

Shannon was watching birds. She heard her phone ring and turned away from the bird watching. It sounded like there was a ghost on the other end! It was an eerie, gross, croaky voice on the other end. She could not understand what he was saying. The voice was so disgruntled. She had no clue what it was saying. She turned and a bee stung her on the hand causing her to drop the phone. Just then, an arrow flew through her open window killing her. The voice had been trying to tell her to watch out!

One night on a plane to Las Vegas, a few men were playing poker at the bar. Suddenly while they were smoking, the plane caught fire! Everyone was freaking out. Quickly the men grabbed a parachute and jumped out of the plane. Little did the me known, but the parachutes didn’t work – they picked them up from the wrong pile. They fell to their death and while some were in heaven, others went to hell. The men that went to heaven saw and angel and it explained to them what happened.

There was once a witch called Paige. She had a pet crocodile who became friends with a frog. She fell into the pond trying to get the frog. Her dog saved her. Then she fell down a well and drank the water. She saw the frog there. Someone came along and killed her and ate her all up!

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