Bothy Ballads – Turra Show

The lambs love leaping in the field,
aboot to be loaded up to go to turra show.

Hipping n hopping aff the trailer into their pens.
Once washed they are as shiny as a diamond.
Time for people to have a wonder roon.
Walking roon Turra
shows everyone’s shoes will be boggen after.
At the end of Turra show
everyone goes to the beer tent
The stands around the show starts to pack up.
Families are waiting to go out for supper or home.
My family and friends are
already at the kastille having a scran.

Bothy Ballads – Untitled

I went to the stables
to get grooming brushes,
in the braes I called for my steed
who was eating weeds yonder.
I took her into her dull dark dusty stable.
She was as dirty as an unwashed car.
Her name is Daisy
as she looks like a cow
and daisy sounds like a good cow name.
I tacked her up for a hack on the strand
it was gey hot as it was summer,
we were both sweating like a pig in an oven.

The sun was shinning so bright I was blint.
When we got home we had cooled down
I took her out the horse box
and sprayed her down with a hose
and I left her to dry in the sun like the washing.

Bothy Ballads – Turra Show

Turra show is a farmer’s dream.
With goats, steed, sheep and more.
Sheep and goats (baby) having a competition.

Yonder had tones and rows of trackers.
Caravan’s shops.
Many prises given.
Shops (food stands)

Gey busy and crowed.
Police surrounding the gates with dogs.

Bothy Ballads – Winter Days

Waking up to whirling wind
whistling wildly
like the speed of light blowing across
the lovely clean white snow
laying across the lovely land
the wild wind pushing the car when I drove to
When I stepped out of my car door
my feet
instantly sunk into the snow
walking to the shop
my feet was as cold as ice
squeaking when walking
down the shop isle
Up and down
up and down
up and down
and up and down
until I reached the lovely clean silver like till
reflecting like a brand new mirror.