Bothy Ballad – Going on a Walk

Me and my friends set off at sunrise,
down the old track is where we trundled.
My friends drawn to a tire swing,
like a fly to light.
Walking happily on the road,
as a dinosaur sprung from the Scrogg’s
flapping its wings.
We ran away with fear.
Back in town alongside the long lazy river
late into the afternoon,
We ate our pizza happily then called it a day.
When we got home,
we played games on our phones while talking,
Everyone got very competitive.
Not long after we had to go to bed,
because our family had enough of us shouting.

One thought on “Bothy Ballad – Going on a Walk”

  1. I am REALLY excited by use of the word “scroggs” – A ballad singer from Aberdeen has written about how its such an underused (and amazing) word. When I see him this summer at the festivals I’m going to tell him there’s now TWO songs with the word “Scroggs in it!

    It also makes me want to be a teenager again and spend summer like this

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