Category Archives: Learning, teaching and assessment

We had two busy in-service days in February. Teaching staff had training from Shirley Clark on improving teaching and learning. Lots of ideas were taken away to try out in their classrooms. Our next steps would include have a shared approach to marking, improving the language used in our learning pits and considering how to improve and enhance opportunities for talking to support learning in the classroom.

Learning, teaching and assessment

Staff will work improving approaches to giving feedback in writing. This will support pupils make the correct changes to moving forward in their learning.

We interviewed pupils in P1/2S, P3A, P5S and P7A about their next steps in their writing. They giving next steps, looking at next steps, practising VCOP in class and using ladders.
Next steps in writing video 1Next steps in writing video 2

Learning, Teaching and Assessment.

Reflective Rattlesnake Videos

Staff will look at how to encourage learners to be more reflective and ensure they have time to work on their next steps.

We use Reflective Rattlesnake time to improve. In P4T We play games and have 10 minutes to practice something that we want to work on. We have a special page in our jotter for activities in the morning.

It helps to do it again next time

in P6both P6’ss go together 3 times a week, they do 1 literacy 1 numeracy 1quiz.  Pupils pair up with someone who is an expert at it and someone who needs help and work on it together.


At our Parent Council Meeting on Monday 5th September, parents spoke about how to improve our reporting processes. We are all glad we are back to face to face sharing the learning events, concerts, assemblies, workshops etc.  We also spoke about sharing pupils progress throughout the year.  For example, we will look at sharing information with parents, 3 times yearly, when children are requiring extra support in their learning.  We will also be looking at improved profiling processes and P4-7 will be trailing an online profiling process.