Author Archives: Mrs Sutherland

Leadership at South Park School

During Genius Hour this week P5S spent some time learning what leadership looks like in south park school.  

We interviewed some digital leaders and playground pals to find out what they had to say!

Julia, Jake, James, Neo and Calan



Leadership at South Park School

During genius hour this week we spent some time learning about what leadership  looks like in south park school. 

We interviewed Mrs Taylor one of our SLT to find out what she had to say about being a leader and supporting the Visible Learning Coaches.

Morgan, Naomi and Mason G


  Interview With Mrs Taylor 

Morgan: What leadership role do you have in school? 

Mrs Taylor: Depute Head Teacher 

Morgan: What do you do to be a leader in school with visible learning? 

Mrs Taylor: Help and support the impact coaches who are learning all about visible learning. 

Morgan: What makes a good learner at South Park? 

Mrs Taylor: A good learner at South Park is someone that listens and helps.  They are fair and lead by being a good role model. 

Leadership at South Park School

During genius hour this week we spent some time learning about what leadership looks like in South Park school.  Our group chose to talk to Mayson in P6 from the Pupil Parliament.  

We created questions to ask him and then carried out a little interview. Find out what he had to say.

 Isaac, Cruise, Emma, Jessica, Lilly and Ahria