New Beginnings Cosmetic Clinic

March 6, 2022
by Mrs Fraser

New Award at New Beginnings

Looks like I’m starting to make waves in the security front.

I’ve had a few run ins with security “experts” who think they know it all but know very little or nothing.

One clown had the cheek to say I was talking rubbish when I told him that my main server was using IPV7. He said it should be IPV6. I told him if you use IPV6 you are a clown. I’ve worked with computers and security for a long time and there’s not much I don’t know.

Anyhoo, I was the one collecting the security award at the weekend which will join the hundreds I already have. That person will have none. And if he continues going on about IPV6 then that’s the way it’s going to continue.

JK signing out.

March 6, 2022
by Mrs Fraser

Some Jokers Carrying out Penetration Testing

I’m Jallard Kane the best security expert in the world.

Apparently some Jokers are coming in to carry out a Penetration Test.  A waste of time in my view.

I suspect they are going to try and access the User ID 1hceT.  (They will never guess what this account is!)

The password for this User ID is encrypted and unbreakable

IWishItCouldBeXmasEveryday (Old one)

WeWishYouAMerryXmas (New one)

I looovvvee Xmas.

Impossible to crack

You lose!!!

March 6, 2022
by Mrs Fraser

Security Update

There has been some suspicious activity on the system. According to Rogers anyway. He runs the Records department not the IT Department.  What does he know? He thinks that the password for Tech1 has been hacked. Unlikely as I used an unbreakable password.

He’s also going on about firewalls and anti-virus software. I don’t know how many times I’ve told him that having a strong password means that a system doesn’t need a firewall or anti-virus software.

Another moan was that the web server isn’t secure (give me a break). And all of the garbage about making sure that Remote Desktop is disabled on all of the accounts is complete and utter rubbish.

I told him, look buddy, I’m Jallard Kane.  You know, the guy whose house is full of security awards and what I don’t know about security hasn’t been written yet.

Anyhoo to shut up his moaning I’ve done the following :

  1. Changed the password of the User ID 1hceT (clever use of words here) to IWishItCouldBeXmasEveryday123 (no one will ever get that).
  2. Set up the web site on one of our internal systems.
  3. I also changed his password to something easy to prove the system is really secure and cannot be hacked.  Hehe

March 6, 2022
by Mrs Fraser

My Security Shop

I’ve got the security at New Beginnings pretty much perfect.  There’s no way anyone will be able to break into this system.  The best have tried and have been defeated.  No idle boast there.

This is because the security is so good I can sit back with my feet up and look out the window.  But I’m not like that, I’m Jallard Kane.  The best there is.

So I’m going to set up a little shop for my ‘friends’.  This shop would sell coloured pencils and pens.  I know, I know, but that’s just the way I am. I love colours. (Shhh! sometimes use them as passwords.

The colours of the pencils and pens I am selling are in groups of 10 different colours. for example



Purple (not really a colour if you know what I mean.

To order your colours and to find out the prices email

JK signing out.

March 6, 2022
by Mrs Fraser

New Beginning at New Beginnings

I’ve recently taken over as the Head of Security at New Beginnings and have been asked to set up a blog about computers and security and other things.

My name is Jallard Kane. I am the top computer security expert in the world.

My house is full of awards.

Computer hackers fear me. They fear me.

I use strong complex passwords such as


no one would be able to guess that password.

IP address such as (Really old address) or (old address) or (New address)

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