Talk homework – pirates and mermaids

Talk Homework

This week we are beginning an art project run by the National Galleries Scotland and the theme for P1-3 is ‘Pirates and Mermaids’.  More information about this can be found on:

Before we begin creating our pieces of art, we will be looking at pictures, reading stories, describing and writing about pirates and mermaids.  On Thursday we will be writing an imaginative story about a pirate and/or a mermaid.

To help your child prepare for their writing, please discuss some ideas with him/her.  Questions could include:

  • What does your character (mermaid or pirate) look like? What does he/she wear?
  • Where does your character live? What can they see, hear, smell, taste and touch?
  • What does your character like to do?
  • Do they have any friends?


Thank you for your support with this.  We look forward to showing off our art on the class blog soon!