Rugby in the BP centre

As part of the Active Schools programme, Primary 4 and 5 are taking part in rugby training this term. At the moment this is taking place in the BP centre but hopefully as the weather improves, we’ll have the chance to get outside. Apologies for the blurry photos, just shows how ‘active’ the children were!!

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Burns Day in Primary 5/19

We had fun on Friday, with visits from Highland dancers and pipers, followed by a taste of haggis,oatcakes and shortbread. In the afternoon, we had our Burns poetry recital final with V.I.P judges Mr Henry and Mrs Milne. In third place was Christopher with a funny poem about one of his favourite characters, Dr Fa. In second place was JJ who recited Hairdos by Helen Harrower, and in first place was Lewis with The Windfarm. Everyone who had a go at learning a poem received a certificate for taking part, and our 3 winners will be presented with their Burns Federation certificates in assembly on Tuesday. Thank you to all our visitors, especially our judges and  the ladies who served our lovely food.  🙂

Synchronised Highland fling
Such enthusiasm!
Our pipers
Enjoying their haggis
Dig in George!
Anyone for seconds?
Any more?
Our VIP congratulating the winners