Snow day 2

Hello again! Well, what a surprise I got when I looked out of the window this morning!

Can you see the road ahead?
Sticky snow!
My friend Mr Robin

Things to do today:

If you haven’t already seen it, click on the ‘cat in the snow’ link on the right in the Newsround RSS Feed section. The cat is very puzzled by his first experience of snow! Imagine you had never seen snow before, perhaps you’re an alien from Mars or perhaps you’ve lived in hot country all your life and have just moved to Scotland. I’d like you to write a short piece describing the first time someone experiences snow. Try to use your imagination and all of your senses…. how does it look, feel, sound?  Can you use a simile? (as…. as a……..   or …. like……)  Can you use alliteration? ( soft, silent snow) Either write on paper or add as a comment above.

Numeracy: even more tables practice and Maths Magician tables practice

Topic: Have a look at the Democracy Live website. You’ll also find the link in our Glow group, click on Topic, then 21st Century Citizens. You can watch either live or recorded footage from the Scottish Parliament, House of Commons and others.As we discussed in class, some of the discussions can be quite hard to follow, but have a look at the way that the different groups are seated, can you work out who is in charge? Who keeps things moving along and stops any arguments? How do people take turns to speak? Do you recognise anyone…. perhaps someone you’ve seen on the news? Are there differences between the Scottish Parliament and House of Commons? Are there similarities?