Tag Archives: Thumper

Thumper Time!

How healthy is Thumper?

Do you know how much Thumper has grown?

How much he is eating now?

What has he been up to?

Here are the answers to some questions that I have been asked about Thumper.


Would you be able to answer these questions now?


Thumper was born on the 29th February.

How old is he now?


Thumper was about 65cm tall when he was born. This measurement was taken from his feet to the top of his back.

Look at the pictures in the Sway to work out how tall he is now.


How he has grown!

When he was born his pen was 3 metres by 1.5 metres in area.

His pen is now 3 metres by 3 metres in area.

What is the area of his pen?


Did you notice that he is quite a milk guzzler!

How much milk does he drink now?


What does he enjoy crunching on?

Literacy mild challenge – Happy Lists

We are learning to write lists.

As an adult I write lists all the time.

With so many different things happening lately I have found it helpful to write  some happy lists.

This has helped me to focus on what is going well and worry a little bit less.

Happy List Ideas

  • This Week’s Happy Moments

  • Happy Places

  • Happy Moments or Memories

  • Happy Songs

  • List words about a friend or pet that makes you happy.

I have had a go at writing some Happy Lists  in this book.

I have filmed some of my happy places to share with you.

Take a moment to look and listen.

I wonder what you might make happy lists about?


Literacy Grid 1 – Spicy Challenge – Comic Superhero

This is one of the imaginative spicy writing challenges on Literacy Grid 1

 Thumper Comic
Thumper the Calf is a super hero with ‘MOOvellous’ powers.
Draw Thumper in his superhero costume and label his super powers.
Write a comic strip about his adventures Write in your journal or maybe you could use book creator on the iPad or computer or sway in Glow to create an e book.
Share with your teacher via Glow.

I have used the comic option in the paid version of Book Creator to give this a go.

Main characters – little plastic calf for Thumper;  Jessie, the horse, Rex and Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story.

Setting – Toy farm buildings, a wooden rainbow, a broken Lego millennium falcon and a wooden safari set.

I tinkered, debugged and persevered with what I had until I came up with a simple storyline. I tried not to be distracted with making superhero accessories.

I quickly drew super pants and stuck them on with double sided tape. I used a pipe cleaner for super horns – job done!

It was great fun!
Have a go!



You do the Marking – Literacy MILD

Morning Everyone,

I hope you all enjoyed our first day of online learning and are ready to start Day 2.  I’ve decided to keep my own Learning Journal completing some of the activities from the grids. Yesterday I decided to write a story about Thumper from the Mild column.

I thought about the W5 (who, what, when, where & why) and then decided to write my story. One thing my P2 class know very well about me is that I make so many mistakes and the pupils always help me to correct my work. Sadly I forgot to check my work before I took a photo of it.

Could you check my work for me, what mistakes have I made and what should I do to fix them?

I look forward to reading your feedback, Mr.Mutch

Have a G.R.E.A.T Day!

Mr. Mutch’s Thumper Story