Tag Archives: Quiz

Methlick Quiz Continued PSA Takeover (Mrs Still)

Happy Friday Everyone 🙂

Mrs Still has continued on her photo Methlick Quiz, how many can you recognise?

Let us know how you get on!

Methlick Streetview Quiz  

Methlick Streetview Quiz Answers

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN – Tonight’s the Night!

It is finally here…

Methlick’s BIG NIGHT IN is this evening.

Can you believe it!?

We are all so excited to share with you the hard work the community of Methlick have put into creating the Big Night In. We hope it will be a memorable evening for you all.

So, you are asking yourself, how does it work?

The video has already been uploaded to Youtube and is there waiting. On Youtube we have set it to go live at 7pm as a Premiere Party. That means that you can have the video open waiting but the show will not start until 7pm. So, if you join us at 7pm, everyone will be watching at the same time.

While the show is on you can pause and go back if you want, please do not feel you can’t press pause.

Where can I watch it?

Most devices have Youtube as an app or a program. You can view the show from a games console, smart tv, phone, laptop or tablet. The video is on our Youtube account. You can search ‘Methlick Primary’ to find us.

We would suggest being ready for the show to start, so have the link open on whatever screen you are watching from about 6:45. There will be a countdown telling you how long until it starts to play.

Click me to take you to the Youtube Web Page of the Show 

Or you can view it on the blog, below.

How can you be ready? 

The evening can be anything you want it to be, make a night of it and get dressed up or get comfy and dress down. The only thing you need is a pen and paper to write down your answers.
Take a photo with your family during the event and share it with your teachers.

Now remember, if you want to listen to the question again, you can pause and rewind. Each question will have a 10 second timer and if that isn’t long enough you can pause.

Want to read the questions as well?

We have you covered, download our question sheet below which you can print off and use during the show.

The Questions

Who can play? 


Try to let the youngest of the team answer first, then work your way up to the eldest as there are specific questions for certain ages.

Have an amazing evening everyone!



Methlick’s Big Night In – Community Challenge – Poster Design

Good morning everyone!

If you have watched Mrs Fraser’s assembly this morning, then you will be aware of the upcoming event – Methlick’s Big Night In!

On the 22nd of May, the staff at Methlick School will be putting on a quiz night for everyone in the community to participate in – all from the comfort of your own home. It will be filmed as a video and accessed through the ‘Methlick Primary’ YouTube channel. We will post up links to the video on both the blog and SeeSaw.

To publicise the event, we need your help! Mrs Fraser has created a poster but we need the talented pupils of Methlick School to design a new and improved version.

All the information for the event can be found on Mrs Fraser’s poster. We would be thrilled if you could help us and design your own.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Include all the information
  • Make sure it is neatly presented
  • Use an eye-catching design and layout
  • Lots of bold and bright colours
  • Include pictures or drawings that are related to a quiz night

If you create a poster, please email a picture of it to your class teacher. This will help us to publicise the event so that everyone in the Methlick community knows about it! Please can all posters be completed by Friday (15th).

Thank you for your help and remember to set your calendars for May 22nd – Methlick’s Big Night In!