Tag Archives: P1

MILD: HWB & Art – Symmetry in Nature

Did you all enjoy your symmetry walks last week?

The pictures you sent in were great some went exploring on their walks and some hunted around their bedrooms.

Today we are going to look at symmetry in nature and complete a painting activity.

You may have to make your own paint, which I found really fun, as I had to be curious and try and make my own colours.

Follow the Sway below to learn more…

Remember to share with your teacher through seesaw and email.

MILD: Numeracy – Building Animals using Shapes

Last week we reviewed and extended our knowledge of Shapes. This week we are going to using our knowledge to apply it to an art task.

Some of you have already sent in your drawing following the video on the grid, Well Done!

Today we are going to look at identifying the shapes we need ourselves to create a simple shape drawing.

The sway below gives you ideas on how to identify the shapes you need to create an animal.

Most of the examples only use, Squares, Triangles, Rectangles and Circles. By used differently every time we can create and fish and a snake with just a few changes.

Discuss with family why you are using a certain shape as a neck, or arm or elbow rather than another shape. What qualities does that shape have that makes it the best shape to use?

Have great fun and on Wednesday we will extend this further and create some shadow puppets in the grass.

Dance Dance Dance (MILD, SPICY and HOT) #ExpressiveArts #HealthandWellbeing #LiteracyComprehension

Happy Friday Everyone,

Have you had a go at this weeks community challenge yet?

Not to worry you still have time to bust a move or two and send it to your teacher.

I thought i’d help you with some suggestions of dance moves:

Want to keep learning and dancing away, how about you try out our Dance Comprehension work where you watch a range of dances and answer questions on them, click below to carry out this fun activity.

Dance Comprehension 

MILD: Numeracy – Who wants to win at Shape Top Trumps

Have you ever played Top Trumps before?

Ever wanted to make your own?

Today we will using our 2D and 3D shape knowledge.

But first lets enjoy some of our favourite shape songs, some you know, some you don’t. I know you will have a favourite. I’ve had one stuck in my head all week!

After enjoying some of the videos, follow the next sway to investigate the shapes more and learn how to create your trump cards.

Remember if you have older brothers and sisters they could add in shapes that they know to build a bigger deck and you can learn more shape facts together!

Enjoy some friendly competition with the family and review your shape fact knowledge.

MILD: Expressive Arts: We can ‘Connect It’ with Body Percussion

Our bodies can make amazing sounds and noises. This is what Anne Meredith, a Scottish composer focuses on in her work.

For the BBC Ten Pieces she created a piece called ‘Connect It’

Here are some videos about it.



Full Performance


Here is the tutorial to learn how to do it.



I had great fun following the simple steps and copying the people on the screen.

Now it is time to create our own body percussion piece!

Get involved and send in your audios we will put them together and create a ‘Connected’ piece of music!

Photography Challenge for All Levels National Portrait Society and Duchess of Sussex Competition.

Hold Still, a portrait of our nation in 2020, is an ambitious community project to create a unique photographic portrait which captures the spirit, mood, hopes, fears and feelings of the nation as we continue to deal with isolation and uneasy times.

The Duchess and the National Portrait Gallery invite you to submit your own photographic portrait, taken during these extraordinary times, which responds to one of the following themes:

  • Helpers and Heroes
  • Your New Normal
  • Acts of Kindness

You can find more information at : Hold Still

We would really love for you all to give this a go whether you decide to submit it or not you can always share this with your teacher.

Photography Support PowerPoint.

I’ve teamed up with a friend of mine who is a photographer in her spare time, she has very kindly created a powerpoint with some helpful tips to help support and develop your photography skills.

Top 4 Photography Tips <<<< Click Here

Miss Deans’s Photography Interests

Click the Sway below to see what Photography Miss Deans has within her home.


Create a Pin Hole Camera




MILD: Numeracy – Getting in Line, with Symmetry

It is time to go on a walk, a symmetry walk.

Start out your walk indoors then head outdoors and remember to take a camera with you!

Then when you get home learn to play the line game with someone. You can use any objects as long as you both have the same.

Follow the sway to learn more.

Remember to share your learning with your teacher

MILD: Expressive Art – A Splash of Watercolour.

I have always found watercolour painting beautiful. I enjoy watching the paint spread across the water that is put down first.

It can take some time to learn how to use watercolours correctly, until I learned a little trick that can give the same effect very easily.

Follow the instructions in the sway below.

Once you have completed the activity you can use it as a back ground to stick drawings or pictures on top of. Or you could write your name, quote or phrase on top too.

Remember to share your results with your teacher through seesaw or email. Have a great time with some felt tips and water.

MILD: Numeracy: Sticking with Time

Time to combine our knowledge of both analogue and digital time.

There is a multiple ways you can review time at home as it is all around you. You can try a variety of games or if you would like some quiet time you could complete one of the worksheets.

Time worksheet

Time worksheet 1

Time worksheet 2

In the sway there are 3 simple stories that include the time can you write down the time in digital and analogue time.


Remember to share your work with your teacher on seesaw or through email.

MILD: Literacy: Book Bear Club – Story Mapping

How is everyone’s Book Bears

I know they are all excellent listeners.

Thanks for sharing your book nooks they all look so lovely to sit in and read.

Something that P2 enjoy creating and are also quite skilful in reading is story maps.

Story maps are a great tool to help us remember tales and identify the most important parts of the story.

Here is a few examples from P2. You can use pictures and key words to help you remember the story.

You can chose to do your own book that you have been reading to your bear or chose one of the featured tales, The Angry Ladybird or What’s the Time.

Remember to share your story maps with your teacher on seesaw or email.