Tag Archives: NHS

Health Heroes Final Guests No6 Finale #LetsGetClapping

Hello Everyone,

Over the last two weeks, we have seen a range of Health Heroes that I am sure we have all taken something away from. I am so glad you have enjoyed tuning in each day to find out who we have had.

I’d like to round up our Health Heroes campaign with I am sure you will all agree Heroes that in my eyes are Heroes every minute of our day and lives: the NHS.

Please find below a video from Mrs Anne-Marie McGrath ( Ruairidh and Eilidh’s mum) who throughout her night shift at Aberdeen Hospital was able to record this for us.  I would like to personally thank her for taking the time to record this video for us on behalf of herself, Aberdeen Hospital and the wider community of NHS staff.

WIthin in our school and wider community we have a range of key workers and NHS workers who we would like to dedicate this post to for all their hard work during this time.

When we clap tonight as we do every Thursday, we clap for a wide range of NHS and key workers, as Anne-Marie says in her video boys and girls give yourself a clap too!

We also have another set of Health Heroes, Alex and Adam McDonald participated in a World  Sepsis Awareness video at Aberdeen Hospital that they would like to share with you. Well Done Boys.