Tag Archives: Ms Rossvoll

Maths: MILD: Subtraction #1

Today we are going to be having a closer look at Subtraction.

For some this might be new, so we should all take time to talk about what we are thinking to our family. Remember when we are struggling or making mistakes we know that we are learning and our brains are working hard.

The focus of today will be on the language and discussion of what we are doing when we subtract or take something away. For this you can use any amount of objects it could be toys, coins or even some natural objects you find outside.

Follow the sway below.

Our next step is to focus on writing it down and using written numbers when we use practical materials.

Literacy: MILD: Pete’s Emotions

 Time to look closer into our Featured Story ‘Tidy’

Take the time to read our featured story again, but this time pause each time when something new happens to Pete.

If we think back to our last featured story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’, each crayon wrote a letter expressing their personality and emotions. But in ‘Tidy’ we don’t really get a chance to hear from Pete and how we is feeling.

That means we need to look at the pictures and words more closely.

Pete goes through quite a variety of emotions and there are many examples in ‘Day the Crayons Quit’

An activity you can do is ‘Hot Seating’

The person who goes into the chair, becomes one of the characters in this instance it could be Pete or one of the animals watching Pete in the forest.

Whoever is not sitting in the hot seat can ask you questions relating to what has happened in the story.

Think of a variety of questions that start with the W5 (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

Another activity is ‘Thought Bubbles’

You can take the emotions you were discussing with family in hot seating and use them in creating a thought bubble.

With a bit of paper draw out a thought a bubble and write inside what Pete or one of the animals might be feeling. Remember to explain why, when we discuss the answer to why it is a good idea to use the word ‘because’.

I have given this activity an attempt taking a photo of me holding the thought bubble and showing the emotion to match.

Can you guess which part of the story my photos match to?

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I look forward to seeing how you get on, send in your photos of your thought bubbles or add them to your sway.

Literacy: MILD: Bee Fact Files with Special Guests!

It’s time to get writing!

I have enlisted the help of some amazing bee keepers to help us with this grid task. From just a small request they have produced an amazing amount of videos filled with lots of facts for us to listen to!

To help with writing the factfile there is also the youtube link on the grid. In the sway at the beginning you will see a checklist you can use when watching the videos. When we are listening out for facts it is always a good idea to know what you are listening out for.

Please enjoy the interview with our special guest! 

Bee Keepers Go LIVE!

Are you ready to start writing? 

In your journal you will need a blank page.

You can save the top of the page for when we do our picture and labelling next week.

You can choose how many sentences filled with facts you would like to write.

If you are describing the bee…. your sentence may start with.

It has… 

The bee has… 

If you are telling us about where it lives… your sentence may start with.

It lives in… 

The bee stays in… 

You can find bees in… 


If you are telling us about what the bee does… your sentence may start with.

The bee will… 

The bee must… 

Bees can… 

If you are telling us some interesting facts… I’m going to leave that to you as you might find a fact our bee keepers or myself have never heard of.

Enjoy writing your factfiles with the help of our Amazing Bee Keepers! 

Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling – Looking at your work!


Thank you for sharing your efforts.

Now in this blog post I want you to look at these pupils efforts and answer the following questions.

This is called Data Analysis, we are reading the information that has been gathered.

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The Questions

1. How many more people have a pet than those who do not have a pet? 

2. How many people submitted an answer in ‘how many pets do you have? 

3. What type of pet is in most of our homes?

4. What  4 animals can add up to give the same value of Cat (8) in what type of animal? 

5. In how many pets, which two amounts got the same amount of votes? 

6. In the Ice-Cream Graph, what is the difference in votes between Vanilla and Mint? 

7. In the Teddy Bar Chart, what bar colour is the small teddies?

Enjoy using your classmates work to answer the questions above. Remember to explain how you found your answer to a family member. What are you looking at closely on the graphs/charts?

Numeracy: Mild : Data Handling – Collecting Graphs


If you are taking part in the Data Handling MILD task, we would very much like to see your finished charts and graphs to use in a future Blog Post on Thursday. 

We will post pictures of pupils work with added questions to read the graphs that have been made. 

Email or Seesaw your pictures to your teacher.

Thank you to those who have chosen to take part and sent in their graphs/charts 

HWB: MILD – Emotional Crayons

Morning Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying our mini project on conflict with our featured story ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’.

After reading or listening to the story a few times we notice that the crayons are expressing their feelings to Duncan as to why they have quit and left Duncan.

Use the questions below and discuss the family members, everyone might have different answers as it is their opinion.

Can you describe what each crayon is feeling?

What words can you find in each letter that tell you their emotion?

Which crayon do they feel most sorry for, and why?

Which crayon seems happiest and why do they say this?

Which crayon would they most like to cheer up?

What could they do to make one of the crayons feel happier?

Which crayon is the angriest one and why?

What could Duncan do to calm this crayon down?

Use the sway below to go through some examples.

Flower of power Resource 


The Crayons all come from the same box, they are all apart of a larger team. Just like you and your family we can all have different emotions but we should all still come together.

Follow the link below to make your own every crayon counts sign to share with family.

Make Your Own


Numeracy: MILD – Data Handling, Your Answers.

Your answers are in!

Thank you to everyone who completed the survey.

When you gather in information it can be called ‘raw data’ like raw chicken you can’t do much with it, so you have to do something in order for it to be used. For instance, cooking the chicken or presenting the data in a way that is readable.

Below is a list of the data that has been collated. Your task is to use the data given and present it in a readable manner. This could be in the form of a pictogram, bar graph or pie chart.  Look through the sway below on suggestions and reminders when presenting the information.

The raw data.

Do you have a pet?  Yes (17) No (7)
How many pets do you have?   One (9)  two-three (2)  four-six (3)  more than seven (3)
What type of animal?
  • Dog  (9)
  • Cat (8)
  • Guinea Pig (1)
  • Horse (3)
  • Chickens (2)
  • Ducks (1)
  • Turkey (1)
  • Sheep (2)
  • Fish (2)
  • Caterpillars (1)
What do they eat?
  • Grass (3)
  • Carrots (2)
  • Cat Food  (4)
  • Pellets (2)
  • Dog Food (6)
  • Ham (1)
  • Hay (2)
  • Chicken (1)
  • Fish Flakes (1)
  • Socks (1)
Can they do a trick?  Yes (11) No (5)


Have great fun creating your displays of information. Remember you do not have to use all the raw data, choose a question to focus on. Send to your teachers or add them to your sway as we will use your work to create questions for others to try.





Literacy Grid 1 – Spicy Challenge – Comic Superhero

This is one of the imaginative spicy writing challenges on Literacy Grid 1

 Thumper Comic
Thumper the Calf is a super hero with ‘MOOvellous’ powers.
Draw Thumper in his superhero costume and label his super powers.
Write a comic strip about his adventures Write in your journal or maybe you could use book creator on the iPad or computer or sway in Glow to create an e book.
Share with your teacher via Glow.

I have used the comic option in the paid version of Book Creator to give this a go.

Main characters – little plastic calf for Thumper;  Jessie, the horse, Rex and Mr Potato Head from the original Toy Story.

Setting – Toy farm buildings, a wooden rainbow, a broken Lego millennium falcon and a wooden safari set.

I tinkered, debugged and persevered with what I had until I came up with a simple storyline. I tried not to be distracted with making superhero accessories.

I quickly drew super pants and stuck them on with double sided tape. I used a pipe cleaner for super horns – job done!

It was great fun!
Have a go!