Tag Archives: food

Feel-Good Friday – Fun with Fruit and Veg

For the final day of our Health Fortnight, I thought we could have a bit of fun.  You know how adults always tell you, “Don’t play with your food”?  Well, now’s your chance!

Today’s Feel-Good activity combines creativity with imagination AND healthy food.  Have you guessed what it is yet?

Your challenge is to make a fabulous creature using only fruit and vegetables.

Have a look!

Do remember to ask for an adult’s permission before taking any food to do this activity,  and make sure that you are being supervised if you are using any sharp kitchen utensils.

If you would like to email me photos, I can make a Sway to show everyone what you have created.  Have fun!

Methlick’s Masterchefs

A huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who sent in photographs of the wonderful food you’ve been making for my Feel-Good Friday challenge.

You’ve really inspired me to challenge myself and make some new things.   At the weekend I made butteries for the first time.  They weren’t easy, but I got there in the end!

Click  on the Sway to see all your amazing creations in the kitchen.



HWB – Food Technology – Spicy

As part of Methlick Eco Fortnight I was challenged to make one meat free meal. I made the recipe shown below.  The black beans were a delicious substitution for the chicken I would usually use.  Inspired by the grid, I then made the recipe into a little card to print off and add to my recipe book.

Do you have a recipe book where you keep all of your favourite recipes? Maybe you could share some of your favourite recipes with your teacher this week.  Let us know if you make a meat free meal this week and add your recipe to your Seesaw journal if you can.