Health and Wellbeing – Methlick’s Virtual Gallery – Week 1 – Hot

Good morning everyone!

Let’s take a virtual tour of Aberdeen Art Gallery –

With a duration of 2h30 minutes, we highly recommend that you view the tour throughout the week. If you prefer, focus on a specific gallery (Sculpture Court, Collecting Art etc).

Throughout week 1, we are going to  focus on identifying our favourite piece of art within the gallery, sharing our thoughts/opinions and researching the artist.

Click on the Sway below to see everything you will need to complete this activity. An example has also been provided. Good luck and remember to share your work with your class teacher.

Spanish, French/Drama – Art Week

Hola Methlick!


Ms Rees and I have got a challenge for you today, can you guess? I think it might be a bit tricky at first but it always is and in any language you do it. Even for me they are still tricky in English, but that is what makes it fun!

Trabalenguas…..that is the Spanish word for Tongue Twisters! Now, tongue twisters are one of many exercises that actors, actresses, singers and anyone who has to talk for a big audience do at some point of their careers to explore their voices.

For you, this will help you to improve your confidence, have your voice in control and play.  You can do this with everyone at home. I will include some in Spanish and French.

Go to this Sway

Mild – Art and Design – Surprise!!

If you have listened to our book of the fortnight you will know that Nora has an  incredible journey in her Grandma’s garden.

Can you go for a walk and find a garden or wild space to explore?

Look at the shapes, lines and patterns on the leaves.

Nora had a lot of surprises in her Grandma’s garden.

Did anything surprise you?

Henri Rousseau surprised a lot of people when he painted a tiger in this now famous painting.

Find out more about the painting, artist, art elements and techniques to create a collage inspired by Rousseau.

Update – 2nd June @ 14:10

I have been outdoors and have made a collection of leaf patterns. I am about to start drawing the shapes and lines.

I got a surprise when 5 goldfinches landed beside me, just beautiful!!!

How are you getting on?

Mild – Literacy – Reading – There’s a Tiger in the Garden!

Can you find a tiger in your garden?

We will be learning together to write a ‘Tiger Tale’ over the next couple of weeks.

Great writers go out and explore.

They use their senses to take in information to use for story ideas.

When you are out and about can you get your brain to capture what you

  • see,
  • smell,
  • hear,
  • touch
  • and maybe even taste

to help you write an incredible ‘Tiger Tale’? 

This is a paper copy of the reading comprehension questions in the sway.

New Learning Grids for Tuesday 2nd June – Friday 12th June

Expressive Arts Fortnight

Hello everyone!

For the next two weeks, we will be focusing on Expressive Arts – Music, Drama, Art and Dance. Click below to see our new Learning Grids.

Health and Wellbeing/Expressive Arts



Remember, we all believe that having a growth mindset is very important so the activities are organised into the following levels.




Where will you start?

Let’s leap into the learning pit and learn from our mistakes to achieve GREAT things! The teachers will be sharing their attempts too.

Keep checking the blog,  please leave COMMENTS  and send your work to your teacher via email/Seesaw or add to your Sway so that we can stay connected.

Thank you!

Mrs Fraser and all the teachers