Puffins in Scotland – Amazing Fauna

Hello Boys and Girls!

Today we are going to learn about a breed of birds that gather every spring and summer in the coasts of Scotland, Puffins. They nest in cliffs at scattered locations around the coast of Scotland, northern England, south-west England and Wales. They are a very special type of birds that live in the sea most of their lives and only go to land for breeding. Here in Scotland are several viewpoints to see them, one of them is at the RSPB Scotland Fowlsheugh Nature Reserve. Last year I decided to go and see them, it was an amazing experience! It took me a while to spot them because they  were not the only birds there and they are very small.

Let’s learn more about them.

Puffins’ Features

Read the questions below and look at the Puffin picture.

  1. What colour are its feathers?
  2. What colour are its wings?
  3. What colour and shape are its claws?
  4. What colours are its beak?
  5. What colour are its eyes?

Information about Puffins

Click on the Sway below to get to know Puffins more.

Go to this Sway

Making a Puffin

Now that you know more about Puffins, that you have seen photos and videos of them, let’s make one.


You will use any materials you have at home like colour pencils, colour paints, markers or anything you can find. Here are two options of what you can do:

  1. You learnt about some artists during our Art fortnight, you can choose a style and make a Puffin.
  2. By using cardboard from shoe boxes or cereals you can make a real life size Puffin. If you researched the information you will know they are from 26 to 29 cm.


  1. Choose one of the options from above.
  2. Find the materials you need.
  3. Design your own Puffin.
  4. Send a photo of your work to your teachers and add what you learnt to your learning journal.

How to draw a Puffin step by step

If you feel unsure of how to draw a Puffin, then this might help.


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