Spanish, French/Drama – Art Week

Hola Methlick!


Ms Rees and I have got a challenge for you today, can you guess? I think it might be a bit tricky at first but it always is and in any language you do it. Even for me they are still tricky in English, but that is what makes it fun!

Trabalenguas…..that is the Spanish word for Tongue Twisters! Now, tongue twisters are one of many exercises that actors, actresses, singers and anyone who has to talk for a big audience do at some point of their careers to explore their voices.

For you, this will help you to improve your confidence, have your voice in control and play.Β  You can do this with everyone at home. I will include some in Spanish and French.

Go to this Sway

13 thoughts on “Spanish, French/Drama – Art Week”

  1. I have really enjoyed these tongue twisters Miss Maturana and find them very tricky. I love to hear you say them in Spanish and the one about the uncle being shaved sounds really funny.

    1. Hola Mrs Still, thank you very much for trying them πŸ™‚ I am happy you enjoyed them in Spanish and French.

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