Colores in Spanish!

Buenos días Methlick School!

I hope you’ve had lovely holidays with your family at home. It feels amazing to be back and do different activities with you. The first challenge for you will be to answer the following question: Do you know how many countries Speak Spanish as their mother tongue?

I will give you the answer at the end of the week. Let’s see who gets closer to the answer!

Today Martes 21 we will be learning some colours in Spanish. You will be able to choose from Mild -Spicy -Hot activities.

Los Colores
To start let’s watch the following videos and play!
Go to this Sway

Activities here:   



Also, I found this great number colouring sheets in Twinkl in case you want to colour more (Claro: Light – Oscuro:  Dark ).

Spring Colour by Number

Today is Friday and the answer is: 20!

Well done for trying. Let me name them for you:

Argentina, Chile, Perú, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, México, Guatemala, Honduras, República Dominicana, Cuba, Panamá, Venezuela, Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua,  Ecuatorial Guinea, Costa Rica and Spain.

*Puerto Rico is not a country but a US Territory and they speak Spanish as a mother tongue too!

If I missed any just let me know 🙂

13 thoughts on “Colores in Spanish!”

    1. Hola Sorcha, I am so glad you enjoyed the activity. That is a very good guess! I will post the answer on Friday so you can check 🙂

  1. Hi Mrs Maturana,

    That was a lot more countries than I thought, I guessed 15

    I liked the songs and did the colouring.

    1. Hola Ava, it is lovely to hear from you. You were so close! I hope you have learnt some new countries. I’m glad you had fun with the activities, well done for trying 🙂

    1. Good guess Emma! You were really close (I even didn’t know 1), if you go to the Spanish post of today you will see the answer and a few extra challenges 🙂

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