Word of the Week (Hot)

Hello everyone.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are going to try out some more of the grid activities this week.

Before the school closed, P4 were keen to have a ‘Word of the Week’, challenge.  I thought some of the other classes might like to give it a go too, so here it is.

Click on the Sway to find out what to do.

I wonder if anyone in P6/5 can remember what this week’s word means?  🙂

4 thoughts on “Word of the Week (Hot)”

    1. Well done for remembering, Cameron! I wonder if anyone else in your class will remember? Are you going to use it in a sentence or a story?
      I had a good weekend, thank you. And you?

        1. I can imagine! I will post a new word every Tuesday after the holidays. This is going to be a very ‘Hot’ challenge, but it will improve your dictionary skills and extend your vocabulary as well, so it’s a worthwhile activity. 🙂

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