Category Archives: Microsoft Learning

Courses available from Microsoft Education.

Problem Based Learning : Rubics for Assessment

Problem based learning  is a key part of 21 CLD and requires Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Creativity. 

Rubics can be  very helpful as an aide  for peer or self assessment:

For teachers:


For secondary pupils:

For primary pupils:

Microsoft HackTheClassroom 2017

I took part in the Microsoft Hack The Classroom live event last night, along with thousands of other teachers from across the world.

Superb for 21CLD !

On demand videos should become available here:

Q:How is Teams different from Google Drive 06/27/2017 4:07PM

Eric Herzog: Teams includes OneNote Class Notebooks, Assignment, persistent chat, ability to bring in external connectors and more!! Plus teams integrates deeply with your OneDrive to access all your files! 06/27/2017 5:18PM

Collaboration video

S2 are now in the process of writing up their projects, with two pupils per group having  access to the laptops . The first person has started the report and has shared with the rest of their team and also with me. The second person then accessed the  report through mail  and started live editing. Many pupils were amazed at pictures and text appearing and disappearing in front of their eyes!


All team members have now logged on and accessed their reports through OneDrive.  The reports are taking different formats – some preferring Powerpoint, others Word. Excel, of course, has been great for finding the averages.

Here is a relevant Microsoft Quick Tip: