Next session we hope to be able to update parents and carers on the work of the Parent Council by posting here on the blog. The Parent Council play an important role at Markethill and their involvement is valued by both staff and pupils alike. As well as organising and running fundraising events, they take part in many activities which support the school.At the end of term they will be helping to re-band reading books in readiness for the introduction of a new literacy scheme next session. They also sent along representatives to the Primary 1 induction earlier this month and were VIP guests at the Garden Party, where they helped to judge the hat competition. Here is just a sample of things that have been provided this session alone, through fundraising events such as ‘bags to school’ and the discos:
- Funding of the BP centre for PE sessions
- New speakers for each classroom
- DVD player
- Coloured card and stampers for reward cards
- Audio books and cassette player
- Christmas parties for every class
- A donation towards the annual Scottish Opera performance for Primary 6
- Netball bibs
- Trophies and medals for Sports Day and the Netball tournament
- Refreshments for the Jubilee Garden Party
They are currently looking at organising a coffee morning and a family quiz/bingo night.The next AGM is on September 10th at 6pm in school.Please come along and support your Parent Council.