What do you like about the blog?
What do you think would make the blog better?
Do you want more competitions on the blog?
How often do you look at the blog?
We hope that you will answer some of the questions. 🙂
What do you like about the blog?
What do you think would make the blog better?
Do you want more competitions on the blog?
How often do you look at the blog?
We hope that you will answer some of the questions. 🙂
My name is Alex and Im a new member of the school blog. 🙂
This year for Red Nose Day pupils are asked to wear someting red and funny for money with a £1 donation for dressing up. The pupil council are hosting a talent show on Red Nose Day. Pupils can enter as groups but only with others at their own stage. Entry forms can be collected from your class teacher and posted in the box in the office. Forms must be posted by Monday 11th March . Red Noses will be on sale from Monday 11th March at £1 each. Pupil council members will come around classes to sell these.