23 thoughts on “The latest from Loch Insh”

  1. Love seeing the photos of you all having a great time, enjoy the rest of the week xxx

  2. i like your pics, looks like i lot of fun, cant wait till i go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Wow that looks so fun I can’t wait to go although I have been there but not done as many of the tasks that you done.

  4. hi i like all your photos of all the p7s in loch insch i like the photo when you are in the river with the boats you made it looks great fun i hope you all yous has a great time !!!!!

  5. It looks amazin cant wait to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????

  6. WOW that looks like allot of fun.What is it like there,
    I cant wait untill it is my turn to go!!!!!!!!

  7. it look fun cant wait to go??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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