Today’s photos

Hello there, hopefully we will have some photos at some point tonight….. I think they’re all busy at the party! I’ll keep checking my emails and add them as soon as I get them.  Mrs Maclean

*****STOP PRESS*************

Sorry but unfortunately no wifi at Loch Insh tonight 🙁  Final update will be tomorrow morning.

Hello by James

Today is my trial to blog before I am part of P7 because the bloggers in P7 are away at Lock Insh.  Mrs Maclains class have been making floppy hats at first it did not fit and then it fitted fine.    🙂                                

Loch Insh photos

We are really pleased that everyone is enjoying seeing the photos from Loch Insh. The children look like they are having a wonderful time!Could we please ask that photos are not copied onto social networking sites, as the parental permissions signed cover the school blog and website only.Therefore could we also ask that any photos which you have shared in this way be removed from such websites. However, please feel free to share the link to the school blog with family and friends. Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Mrs Maclean