New bloggers!

Hello, I am Kirsty B. and I am one of your new bloggers for this year and I am really looking forward to it. We have all been given a primary to blog about and I have been given P6 and P5/6 and I will keep you up to date with all the news and what is happening. You might see me around school with a camera because I will be taking pictures too, not just writing.
Primary 5/6 and 6’s project is Mary Queen Of Scots and Im have taken a few pictures of some work they have been doing.


Hello everyone!
I’m Caroline and I am in primary seven. I am one of the new bloggers for primary one. I will be keeping you all up to date with what the primary one’s are doing.

          Primary one’s teachers are Miss Heron and Mrs Robertson and their  topic is Our School. I have taken photo’s of some tigers and parrots they have made.

These are the tigers and parrots.