
Technology Information Videos

Faculty of Technology

Principal Teacher – Mr A Hynd & Mrs R Robertson

Use the links below to access the subject information videos.



National 4/5

Administration and IT

Entry Level

SQA Information

National 4 Administration & IT

  • Working at CfE level 3 by the end of the Broad General Education

National 5 Administration & IT

  • Current S3 pupils: Working at CfE level 4 by the end of the Broad General Education
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 4 pass in this or a similar subject

Course Content


The course has 3 mandatory units.

  • Administrative Practices
  • IT Solutions for Administrators
  • Communication in Administration

National 4 Added Value Unit – Pupils have to organise and support a small-scale event to a given brief.

National 5 Assignment – Pupils will have to prepare for an event and carry out follow-up tasks.  This assignment is worth 100 marks and will be carried out in class under exam conditions.



National 4 Administration & IT

  • Each unit will be internally assessed.  Pupils must pass all internal assessments and the added value unit to be awarded the course certificate.

National 5 Administration & IT

  • The course is assessed by the external exam and the Course Assignment.  The course award is graded A to D.

Possible Progression Routes

My World of Work

  • From National 4 to National 5 Administration & IT
  • From National 5 to Higher Administration & IT
  • Further Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Administration & IT would be beneficial include:  Reception work, secretarial work, paralegal services, travel and tourism, office management, accounting, insurance, banking, health service administration, court administration, event management, human resources, payroll and clerical work.
Business Management

Entry Level

SQA Information

National 4 Business

  • Working at CfE level 3 by the end of the Broad General Education

National 5 Business Management

  • Current S3 pupils: Working at CfE level 4 by the end of the Broad General Education
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 4 pass in this or a similar subject

Course Content


The course is split into five areas of study:

  • Understanding Business
  • Management of Marketing
  • Management of Operations
  • Management of People
  • Management of Finance

This course is suitable for learners who are interested in entering the world of business and exploring the activities of different types of business.



National 4 Business

  • Each unit will be internally assessed.  Pupils must pass all internal assessments and the added value unit to be awarded the course certificate.

National 5 Business Management

  • The course is assessed by the external exam and the Course Assignment.  The course award is graded A to D.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • From National 3 to National 4 Business
  • From National 4 to National 5 Business Management
  • From National 5 to Higher Business Management
  • Further Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Business Management would be beneficial include:  Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Property Management, Retail and Sales, Local Government, Advertising, Transport and Logistics, Insurance and Banking.
Engineering Skills – Skills for Work

Entry Level

SQA Information
  • This course is open to pupils going into S4-6.

Course Content


This course has been designed to provide an introduction to Engineering for pupils who want to pursue a career in Engineering field before moving into further education or for moving directly into training in employment. The overall purpose of the Course is to ensure that candidates start to

develop the generic and practical skills, knowledge and understanding, and employability skills needed within the engineering sector

 The main skills covered will be:

  • Engineering Skills: Mechanical and Fabrication,
  • Electrical and Electronic,
  • Maintenance
  • Design and Manufacture.

Employability skills will play a large part in the course to prepare pupils for a career in engineering.


  • Pupils’ work will be assessed continuously.  There will be no final examination.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • National 5 in another Technical Subject
  • Further Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Skills for Work Engineering would be beneficial include:  Engineering, Oil and Gas Industry and Renewables

Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £30 for session 2020-21 is subject to change for session 2021/2022.

Engineering Science

Entry Level

SQA Information

 National 4

  • Working at CfE level 3 by the end of the Broad General Education

National 5

  • Current S3 pupils: Working at CfE level 4 by the end of the Broad General Education
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 4 pass in this or a similar subject
  • It is expected pupils will be studying National 5 Mathematics

Course Content


The course has 4 units

  • Unit 1 – Engineering Concepts and Challenges
  • Unit 2 – Electronics and Control
  • Unit 3 – Mechanisms and Structures
  • Course Assignment (National 5) Added Value Unit (National 4)

The Engineering Science qualifications develop a range of technological skills, including analysis problem solving and design skills, with skills in the use of equipment and materials being explored, The course will also cover skills in evaluating products and systems.

The Course brings together elements of science, technology, and mathematics, applying these to real-world challenges, building a challenging, coherent and enjoyable journey for learners through all levels. With insights into the opportunities and challenges in engineering, the course provides a strong basis for further study or a career in any branch of engineering



National 4

  • Each unit will be internally assessed.  Pupils must pass all internal assessments and complete the Value Added Unit to be awarded the course certificate.

National 5

  • Pupils will have a range of assessments throughout the session to build skills and knowledge for preparation of final exam.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • National 5 in Engineering Science or another Technical Subject
  • Higher in Engineering Science
  • Advance Higher in Engineering Science Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Engineering Science would be beneficial include:    Any of the range of Engineering, Maths and Science careers available

 *Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £4 for session 2020-21 is subject to change for session 2021-22

Graphic Communication

Entry Level

SQA Information

National 4

  • Working at CfE level 3 by the end of the Broad General Education

National 5

  • Current S3 pupils: Working at CfE level 4 by the end of the Broad General Education
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 4 pass in this or a similar subject

Course Content


The course has 3 units

  • Unit 1 – 2D Graphics
  • Unit 2 – 3D & Pictorial Graphics
  • Course Assignment (National 5) Added Value Unit (National 4)

The Graphic Communication qualification develop skills in graphic design techniques, including the use of equipment, graphics materials and software, by building challenging, coherent and enjoyable journeys for learners through all levels. Combining elements of recognised professional standards for graphic communication with graphic design creativity and visual impact, the Courses also provide flexibility and choice in the use of manual and computer-aided graphics in preparation for a possible career in Graphic Design or Engineering.



National 4

  • Each unit will be internally assessed.  Pupils must pass all internal assessments and complete the Value Added Unit to be awarded the course certificate.

National 5

  • Pupils will have a range of assessments throughout the session to build skills and knowledge for preparation of final exam.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • National 5 in Graphic Communication or another Technical Subject
  • Higher in Graphic Communication or National 5 / Higher in another Technical Subject
  • Advanced Higher in Graphic Communication or National 5 / Higher / Advanced Higher in another Technical Subject
  • Further Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Graphic Communication would be beneficial include: Any of the range of Engineering, Maths and Science, also considering careers in architecture, and constructions are available.

*Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £5 for session 2020-21 is subject to change for session 2021-22

Woodwork Practical Craft Skills

Entry Level

SQA Information

 National 4

  • Working at CfE level 3 by the end of the Broad General Education

National 5

  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 4 pass

Course Content


The course has 3 units.

  • Unit 1 – Bench Skills 1 Flat Frame Construction
  • Unit 2 – Bench skills 2 – Carcass Construction
  • Unit 3 – Machining and Finishing Skills
  • Course Assignment


Course Overview:

The course is of a practical nature, workshop-based and provides many skills which are appropriate to a wide range of applications.  The course will develop skills in marking-out, cutting, shaping and finishing materials, as well as adjusting and maintaining a range of hand tools.  Apart from giving an insight into industrial practice and standards, such studies help with the development of self-confidence, manual dexterity and control, perseverance, maturity and spatial awareness.


  • Pupils will have a range of assessments throughout the session to build skills and knowledge for preparation of final exam.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • National 5 in Woodwork or another Technical Subject
  • Further Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Woodwork would be beneficial include:  Construction skills, apprentice engineer and trades.

*Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £30 for session 2020-21 is subject to change for session 2021-22.


Administration and IT

Entry Level

SQA Information
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 5 pass Administration & IT
  • Current S6 pupils who have passes in other Highers and National 5 Maths

Course Content


The course has three mandatory units

  • Administrative Practices
  • IT Solutions for Administrators
  • Communication in Administration

The course will enable you to develop advanced administrative and IT skills using a range of software applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing and presentation, as well as to organise, manage and communicate complex information.


  • The course is assessed by the external exam and the Course Assignment.  The course award is graded A to D.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Administration & IT would be beneficial include:  Personal assistant, secretarial work, paralegal services, travel and tourism, office management, accounting, insurance, banking, health service administration, court administration, event management, human resources, payroll and clerical work.
Business Management

Entry Level

SQA Information

Current S4/5 pupils: National 5 pass in Business Management or a Pass in Higher English, Modern Studies or History.

Course Content


The course is split into five areas of study:

  • Understanding Business
  • Management of Marketing
  • Management of Operations
  • Management of People
  • Management of Finance

This course helps candidates understand the dynamic, changing and competitive environment of industry and commerce, and the environments that organisations operate in. It develops skills in communicating and presenting business-related information to stakeholders of an organisation.


  • The course is assessed by the external exam  and the course Assignment.
  • The course award is graded A to D.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • National 5 / Higher in another Social Subject
  • Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Business Management would be beneficial include:  Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Property Management, Retail and Sales, Local Government, Advertising, Transport and Logistics, Insurance and Banking and running your own business.
Engineering Science

Entry Level

SQA Information
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 5 pass
  • It is recommended for candidates to have achieved National 5 Maths

Course Content


The course has 3 units

  • Unit 1 – Engineering Concepts and Challenges
  • Unit 2 – Electronics and Control
  • Unit 3 – Mechanisms and Structures
  • Course Assignment

The Higher Engineering Science Course provides a broad and challenging exploration of engineering. Learners extend and apply knowledge and understanding of key engineering concepts, principles, and practice; understanding the relationships between engineering, mathematics and science; and appling analysis, design, construction and evaluation skills to a range of engineering problems with some complex features


  • Pupils will have a range of assessments throughout the session to build skills and knowledge for preparation of final exam.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • Advanced Higher in Engineering Science
  • Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Engineering Science would be beneficial include: Any of the range of Engineering, Maths and Science careers available

*Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £6 for session 2021-22 is subject to change for session 2021-22.

Graphic Communication

Entry Level

SQA Information
  • Current S4/5 pupils: National 5 pass

Course Content


The course has 3 units

  • Unit 1 – 2D Graphics       
  • Unit 2 – 3D and Pictorial Graphics                     
  • Course assignment          

The Higher Graphic Communication Course provides opportunities for learners to initiate and develop their own ideas graphically. It allows them to develop skills in reading and interpreting graphics produced by others and to continue to develop graphic awareness in often complex graphic situations, expanding their visual literacy. Further developing skills in the use of Design and CAD software to produce visually attractive and exciting documents and drawings.


  • Pupils will have a range of assessments throughout the session to build skills and knowledge for preparation of final exam.

Possible Progression Routes

 My World of Work

  • Higher in another Technical Subject
  • Advanced Higher in Graphic Communication
  • Further Education
  • Higher Education
  • Training or employment
  • Careers for which Graphic Communication would be beneficial include: Any of the range of Engineering, Maths and Science, also considering careers in architecture, and constructions are available.

*Please note this course has a consumables charge.  Current charge of £5 for session 2020-21 is subject to change for session 2021-22