NESCOL Foundation Apprenticeships

Level 6 Courses

Children & Young People

Entry Level

  • 1 Year course available to S6 pupils
  • Pupils must be capable of working at SQF Level 6 (equivalent to Highers) and who are interested in a career in working with Children and Young People.
  • Pupils should have achieved passes in related National 5 awards.  Related areas of prior study would include English, Biology, Modern Studies, PE, Skills for Work Early Education and Childcare or Skills for Work Health Sector.
  • Applicants will be required to attend an interview and be eligible for PVG Scheme membership.
  • Pupils would benefit from studying or having studied subjects such as Higher English, Higher Biology, Higher Modern Studies, Higher PE alongside this Foundation Apprenticeship.

Why take this course?


This programme, delivered over one year, incorporates classroom–based study with work–based learning to prepare you for entry to the workplace or full–time Further or Higher Education. The course is funded by Skills Development Scotland.

Every child deserves the best start in life, and by enrolling on this course you can help to make sure this happens. If you enjoy working with young people, making sure they are healthy and happy and seeing them play, learn and develop confidence, this Foundation Apprenticeship could be for you. There’s a big demand for skilled people in the sector, meaning there are lots of job opportunities and great progression routes!

Course Content & Qualifications


You will complete a National Progression Award at SCQF Level 6 in Social Services and Healthcare and four Mandatory Units of the SVQ 2 Social Services (Children & Young People).

The National Progression Award will include units in:

  • Safeguarding of Children and Young People
  • Play for Children and Young People
  • Communication with Children and Young People
  • Development of Children and Young People
  • Promote the wellbeing and safety of Children and Young People

You will also undertake work–based learning during which you will gain the mandatory units of the SVQ Level 2 qualification. Two additional optional SVQ Level 2 units must be completed upon entry to the social services workforce.

  • Support effective communication
  • Support the health and safety of yourself and individuals
  • Develop your own knowledge and practice
  • ·Support the safeguarding of children and young people

Course and Timetable Arrangements

  • Timetable arrangements: Pupils selecting this should also select 3 school courses from column A, C & D
  • College Attendance: This course involves attending NESCOL Fraserburgh Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1.45pm – 4.45pm and a work placement usually one full day a week.
  • Transport to college and placement: Please see Mrs Noble for further information

Progression Routes / Recognition


  • See the choice of course booklet for Foundation Apprenticeship recognition by college, universities and industry.

Possible Progression Routes


Your Foundation Apprenticeship gives you lots of options: it’s up to you where you go next. 

  • Further Education / Education at NESCol: Upon successful completion of this course, you may be able to progress to one of the following full-time courses at North East Scotland College: Social Services – HNC (SCQF Level 7) or Childhood Practice – HNC (SCQF Level 7)
  • University: This course will prepare you to access a range of university degrees programmes. Foundation Apprenticeships are accepted as equivalent to at least one Higher by all Scottish Universities. Further qualifications may be required for University entry — applicants should check individual course entry requirements for further information.
  • Employment:  Those who wish to progress directly to employment will find a range of entry–level jobs available in the Childcare sector. Upon completion of a Foundation Apprenticeship, you may gain advanced entry onto an associated Modern Apprenticeship.

Further information

For information, the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) provides a useful tool/resource for career planning within the care sector.

Creative & Digital Media

Entry Level

  • 1 Year course available to S6 pupils
  • Pupils must be capable of working at SQF Level 6 (equivalent to Highers)
  • Pupils should have achieved passes in related National 5 awards.  Related areas of prior study would include Computing, Art, Graphic Communication and Design Technology.
  • Applicants will be required to attend an interview.
  • Pupils would benefit from studying or having studied subjects such as Higher Art, Higher Graphic Communication, Higher Computing alongside this Foundation Apprenticeship.

Why take this course?


This programme incorporates classroom-based study with work-based learning to prepare you for entry to the workplace or full-time Further or Higher Education. The course is funded by Skills Development Scotland.

Creative and Digital media encompasses the range of creative roles where interactive media storytelling and commerce collide. The utilisation of creative digital content to enable either a product of another service such as marketing, advertising or information gathering, offers a vast array of job roles ranging from pure creative to more technical and data-driven responsibilities within film, TV, VFX, animation, games, radio, advertising and marketing communications, publishing, print and fashion and textiles.

In addition to all of this – and more importantly – this growing sector needs people! One third of tech companies cite talent shortages as an inhibiter to expansion and there are significant opportunities for young creative people whose interest in digital media extends beyond consuming content and into creating it and getting it out to audiences.

Course Content & Qualifications


Over one year you will complete a National Progression Award at SCQF Level 6 in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies, Processes and Practices and a large part of the Diploma in Creative Digital Media.

The National Progression Award will include units in:

  • Creative Industries: An Introduction — Scotland
  • Storytelling for the Creative Industries
  • Understanding the Creative process
  • Understanding a Creative Brief

You will also participate in a Media Project during which you will showcase your understanding of the creative process by producing a creative and digital item to meet with a given brief. You will also undertake work–based learning during which you will attend an extended work placement with an industry partner equivalent to a day a week. During that time you will develop essential skills for the workplace and be assessed on your performance against the following units:

  • Present Ideas and Information to Others in the Creative Industries
  • Work Effectively with Others in the Creative Industries
  • Develop Own Professional Practice in the Creative Industries
  • Work with Digital Media
  • Manage and Market Yourself as a Freelancer in the Creative Industries
  • Ensure Your Own Actions Reduce Risks to Health and Safety

Course and Timetable Arrangements

  • Timetable arrangements: Pupils selecting this should also select 3 school courses from column A, C & D
  • College Attendance: This course involves attending NESCOL Fraserburgh Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1.45pm – 4.45pm and a work placement usually one full day a week.
  • Transport to college and placement: Please see Mrs Noble for further information

Progression Routes / Recognition


  • See the Choice of Course Booklet for Foundation Apprenticeship recognition by college, universities and industry.

Possible Progression Routes


Your Foundation Apprenticeship gives you lots of options: it’s up to you where you go next.

Further information

Scientific Technologies (Lab Science)

Entry Level

  • 1 Year course available to S6 pupils
  • Pupils must be capable of working at SQF Level 6 (equivalent to Highers) and have a strong interest in Science.
  • Pupils should have achieved grade A or B passes at National 5 Chemistry and Maths and be studying or have studied Higher Sciences.
  • Applicants will be required to attend an interview.

Why take this course?


The Life Sciences and the Related Science Industries are high-tech, innovative and highly diverse, spanning pharmaceuticals, medical technology, biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology and have applications across many other sectors. People with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) qualifications are in high demand from employers resulting in great prospects for career development and progression.

Course Content & Qualifications


During the Foundation Apprenticeship you will work towards an NPA in Scientific Technologies at SCQF Level 6 (the same level as a Higher). You will also undertake work-based learning during which you will attend an extended work experience with an industry partner equivalent to a day a week.  During that time you will develop essential skills for the workplace as you work towards units from the SVQ in Laboratory and Associated Technical Activities (Industrial Science).

Units of study through the FA include:

  • Laboratory Safety
  • Mathematics for Science
  • Fundamental Chemistry — An Introduction
  • Prepare Compounds and Solutions for Scientific or Technical Use
  • Experimental Procedures: Science
  • Carry out Simple Scientific Tests Using Manual Equipment

Course and Timetable Arrangements

  • Timetable arrangements: Pupils selecting this should also select 3 school courses from column A, C & D
  • College Attendance: This course involves attending NESCOL Fraserburgh Monday and Wednesday afternoons 1.45pm – 4.45pm and a work placement usually one full day a week.
  • Transport to college and placement: Please see Mrs Noble for further information

Progression Routes / Recognition


See the Choice of Course Booklet for Foundation Apprenticeship recognition by college, universities and industry.

Possible Progression Routes


Your Foundation Apprenticeship gives you lots of options: it’s up to you where you go next.

Further information