Tag Archives: Glow

Microsoft Teams for Education

The update to Microsoft Classroom, Microsoft Teams for Education is now available from the App Launcher (Waffle) via O365 in Glow.

We would encourage teachers to wait before setting up classes because:

  • The integration with SEEMIS will not be in place until the end of August , so any Teams  created before then will involve you manually adding pupils.
  • If pupils were allowed access now,  then  some of the current functionality in Teams could potentially be used inappropriately. By the end of August the additional admin settings will be inplace to reduce any risk.
  • If you try to use Teams at the moment you may get an error message asking you to contact your ICT personell (Please do NOT log any calls with ICT)

The SEEMIS integration will allow your classes to be populated with the correct students, and this list will dynamically change as pupils join or leave your class. The classes will automatically be correctly named in fitting with the systems you have in place at the school.

We will be providing twilight sessions in the next few weeks to advise on how to use Microsoft Teams so please look back here regularly for updates and links to twilights.

Please direct any questions you may have on Teams for Education to:





Glow Annual Survey

The 2017 Glow Annual Survey is now live. The survey is open to all teachers, staff and pupils and provides us with valuable information on how you use Glow. More information, including links to the survey, are available through the link. Let us know your views and help shape the future of Glow


Computing Science resources


Computing Science is an incredibly exciting and inspiring area of the curriculum and it is essential that teachers and learners across Scotland benefit from the wealth of opportunities offered by the subject. The Glow Technologies Professional Learning Community provides teachers and learners with anytime, anywhere access to a wealth of contemporary, creative and engaging computing science online materials, resources and presentations. All materials are tailored to levels within broad general education and senior phase enabling easy and quick access to the most relevant resources. Watch videos and hear how teachers are enriching their learning experiences through the creative and interdisciplinary use of computing science. Join this well-established Glow community today.

Access the resources here, you will need your Glow username and password


Eportfolio creation in Glow

eprofile-tileIssue now resolved 09:43 06/10/2016

Please be aware we have noted an issue that when learners select the Aberdeenshire E-Portfolio tile in Glow that if a profile had not been created an error message is displayed.

RM are investigating this issue

If a learner had previously created an E-Portfolio this can be found in the Notebooks folder of the Learners OneDrive

Brain Pop: Free trial extended to November 30th


Free access to the many thousands of resources on Brain Pop have been extended to November 30th.

This will allow you to try out the resource with your students.

If you think this is a good resource then after the trial please contact the Learning through Technology team for further details

To access the resources, log into Glow and in the Aberdeenshire Launchpad simply click on the Brain Pop tile

If you have an ipad..

Mobile Apps

  • Please let teachers know that they have full access to apps for “BrainPOP UK”, “BrainPOP Jr” and “BrainPOP ESL”
  • Username – “abercc”. Password – “brainpop”. There are no issues letting everyone have the login details via email and your GLOW blog.
  • Free download from the app store. The app will remember the user details after the first login
  • This page gives some more info about the apps – http://www.brainpop.co.uk/blog/about-our-apps

Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education: Glow TV Event

Please see below for details of this exciting opportunity for all education practitioners in Aberdeenshire.

Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills Mr John Swinney MSP will be leading a Glow TV broadcast on Monday the 29th August at 12.45pm.  The blog post below will give you details of how to register and how to submit a question before the event if you are unable to watch live on Monday.  The broadcast will be recorded so you will be able to view it in the Watch Again facility on Glow – we will send out this link after the event.

Please register at the link below and submit a question for the Education Secretary


Missed this ? Then watch again here:


Twig on Glow


Twig Assignments are now available to Glow users through TwigonGlow. This feature allows teachers to set Twig films as homework and track results while testing students on what they’ve learned

Teachers can also track their students’ week-to-week progress and see exactly where each student would benefit from some more assistance.

The feature can be accessed through the MyTwig panel for both teachers and students: https://www.twigonglow.com/my-twig/

TWIG have released a tutorial for assignments that can be found here: https://www.twig-world.com/assignments/

TWIG also have a general system requirements information page for the whole site which can be found here: https://www.twigonglow.com/support/system-requirements/

Brain Pop – Online and app software free trial


  • A safe way for children to study independently
  • A rich multimedia tool kit for teachers to illustrate curriculum concepts.
  • Learning games, lesson support, printable materials, and interactive quizzes
  • Mapped to the Curriculum for Excellence and available through GLOW

Log into Glow and on the RM Unify page , click on the Aberdeenshire Launch pad and if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will see the Brain Pop tiles, simply click to access the resource.

Annual Glow Survey

Passport graphicEducation Scotland’s Glow Annual Survey launched yesterday and will remain open until the 1st July 2016. The survey is important as it allows Education Scotland to understand more about how their customers use Glow and where improvements can be made.

The Learning Through Technology Team are the local Aberdeenshire Glow Key Contacts and we would encourage to you to fill in the survey
All responses collected are anonymous.

If you would like to go straight to the staff survey, it can be found at: https://www.research.net/r/glow2016staff

The pupil survey can be found at: https://www.research.net/r/glow2016pupils

More information can be found at: https://connect.glowscotland.org.uk/2016/05/16/glow-annual-survey-2016/