Interdependent world –
- Measures of development
- football in Africa and the importance of education
- globalisation of trade
- fair trade
- child slavery
Conflict and Child soldiers
- a focus on Uganda
Have your say
- The various means of participating in the decision making process
- Legal means vs. illegal means – why do people feel the need to break the law?
- Class/group campaign on a key local issue
- Influence of the media on decision making
(Case studies for the above are topical and will change from year to year)
National 4 and 5 Modern Studies
A social, economic and political look at one of the worlds big powers.
- Rural/Urban living and inequality
- Chinese population and the one child policy
- The Hukou and other restrictions on Chinese people
- Communism and new Chinese style Communism
- Control of the media
- The death penalty and Chinese Human rights
- China’s developing economy
- Pollution and global warming
Social Issues in the United Kingdom
Crime and the Law
- Types of Crime
- Causes of Crime
- Impact of Crime
- Tackling Crime
Democracy in the UK or Scotland
- Representation
- Participation
- Election Campaigns
- Influence
Higher Modern Studies
In Higher Modern Studies, pupils have the opportunity to debate issues which are integral to 21st century life. We will use a variety of media to encourage a deeper understanding of modern social, political and economic issues.
Devolved Decision Making in Scotland
- Party representation in the Scottish parliament
- The effects of the electoral system on decision making
- Founding principles of the Scottish parliament
- Legislative procedures
- The work of Committees
- Appointment, role and powers of the First Minister
- The effectiveness of the Scottish Parliament in holding the Scottish government to account
- The devolved and reserved powers
- Scottish representation at Westminster
- The role of local government, including powers and responsibilities, financing, COSLA
Electoral Systems, voting and political attitudes
- Links between electoral systems and results
- Influences on voting e.g social class, age, issues etc.
- Influence of the media on voting behaviour
- Press party affiliations
- Government regulation of media
- Opinion polls and referenda
- Importance of voter participation
Wealth and Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom
- Changing class structure
- Founding principles of the welfare state
- Causes of inequalities in wealth
- Causes of inequalities in health
- Healthcare and welfare provision
- Reasons for changing levels of poverty
- National policies and strategies for dealing with inequalities in health and wealth
The United States of America
- Role and power of president, including relations between president, Congress and Supreme court.
- Democrat and Republican parties and their support
- Voter registration, turnout and representation
- The debate over immigration
- The effectiveness of government responses to inequalities in participation and representation
- Social and economic issues, case study of ethnic minorities looking at the nature and extent of inequalities and the effectiveness of government responses to these.