Anti-Bullying Policy Consultation

Anti-Bullying Policy Consultation

 This session we have been working on the development of our ‘Promoting Positive Relationships Strategy’. This piece of work has been informed by input from our pupils via the Anti-Bullying focus group. Alongside this document we have also undertaken a refresh of our Anti-Bullying Policy which is now in draft format. The 17th-24th June inclusive, marks our week long consultation with pupil, parents and staff on the draft policy document. Our focus group have already reviewed the first draft, and this final draft will now be shared for comment with a further representative group of our pupil body through our upcoming Pupil Conference.

We welcome all feedback on our policy document, and this will be taken into consideration before we finalise the policy, ready for launch at the start of the new academic session. In addition to the policy document we have also developed a summary leaflet of advice for parents and pupils. Please be aware that these drafts provide the content of the documents only. We will be continuing to work with our pupil focus group to develop the aesthetics for these documents, including layout and branding, as this will sit in line with other promotional materials our pupils have devised over the course of this session.

Below we have attached a copy of each of these documents – the ‘Promoting Positive Relationships Strategy’, the Draft ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’ which is the focus of the consultation, and the additional draft Advice leaflets for pupils and parents. We would really appreciate any time you could give to reviewing these documents and providing us with your thoughts and feedback. Please can I ask that all replies are sent to the by the end of the day on Monday 24th June.