Finding out what conducts and what doesn’t !!!!!!!

Today the orange group have been finding out what conducts and what doesn’t.

(We only had to follow a diagram)

  1. First we cut the copper tape and stuck it down in a circuit formation.

2. Then we stuck down the wires and the battery.

3. We stuck down the light next to the copper tape.

4. We left a gap in the circuit.

5. Then we turned on the battery.

6. Then we found things to put on the gap to make the light glow up.  The wooden spoon, the Duplo and the ruler didn’t conduct electricity but the potato masher, the tin and the metal spoon did conduct electricity.

7.  We tried the buzzer, the fan and the beeper.  They all worked.   63784056523__903B98E4-C5CB-471C-92B1-33952D1088C7

2 thoughts on “Finding out what conducts and what doesn’t !!!!!!!”

  1. Brilliant work P5/4- there certainly was a loud BUZZ in the classroom today. I loved hearing your conversations about how to get your circuits to work.

  2. Great work kids. I have a question…if the circuit is conducting electricity, do you get an electric shock if you touch the copper wire? Thanks

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