11 thoughts on “P3/2 – Our first Squishy Circuit Success!!”

  1. P3/2 I am so impressed. Well done. What a lot of working together and working out you have been doing. I wonder what you will do next? I cannot wait to see.

  2. Wow, so today I learnt about conductive playdough; I had never seen this before! How exciting, thank you for sharing this.

    1. Hello, thank you so much for your comment. They are tricky to open, putting the batteries in is quite fiddly and then getting the box closed has proved a very fiddly task, but we don’t give up in P3/2 and we will keep trying.

  3. This is fantastic learning well done everyone. Budding engineers and scientists in the making. Keep on experimenting with your squishy circuits πŸ‘πŸ»

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