For the past month Mrs Barclay’s P6 class have been going to Balhousie Care Home for an intergenerational project with the residents there.
This is the third year of the partnership between Gordon Primary and Balhousie.
Working together the P6s and some of the residents worked together to create canvas artwork which will be hung in the four wings of the care home.
Pupils and residents have enjoyed working together and building up friendships.
Next Friday Balhousie is holding an open day, where the canvases will be on display.
Gordon Primary School now has a new football team so we will be blogging about it throughout the year. The coaches are Mister Allardice and Andy Murray (not the tennis player.) We are very exited about having this football team and it now has about 22 players. The football club is from 3:30 – 4:30 in the school field or in the large hall on a Thursday. The football age is P6 and P7. The squad says” We are hoping to win a lot of tournaments.” The squad is training hard. We are learning to dribble, pass, shoot, to have good sportsmanship and other important skills.
From your bloggers Reef and Kyle
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