Tag Archives: nursery

Nursery go to Deans

Recently the nursery have been to Deans Shortbread Factory in Huntly  and have been learning about how shortbread is made in the factory.

They walked all the way to deans and back and had to wear orange vests for safety. They got their photo taken with Shorty the piper of Deans ( Deans mascot). They really enjoyed their trip and learnt a lot about how shortbread is made.

Nursery News

The nursery have been wrapping up warmly and spending as much time outside as possible .

They have been investigating ice, and finding out how it freezes into different shapes. They have also been finding out about freezing and melting.

In the nursery garden they are able to play in their own “igloo” and to build with blocks.


Nursery News

The nursery have been learning about bonfire night and how to be safe.  They were giving us tips on how to stay safe.  For example:  only adults should let off fireworks.

Amy says ” You need to use a torch.”

Ella then said ” Because it’s very dark.”

On the 3rd of November a dentist from child smile came to talk to them about brushing their teeth.  They gave us lots of advice on brushing our teeth.

Their next topic is about boxes and they would love it if some people brought some in for them.

by Ailsa and Amy from p7sc

Nursery Treasure Hunt

This is one of the pirate hats that the nursery pupils found


On the 25th of September the nursery pupils went on a trip to the school woods.  To get there they walked across the zebra crossing and into the playground where they ventured into to the woods. IMG_0006

Joshua said,”I found a sparkly necklace in the woods.”

“There was a lot of pine cones in the woods, that we found.”said Riley

On the nurserys treasure hunt they found lots treasure like a belt, a pirate hat, a bag, clothes and gold.

Nursery News


In the nursery they have been learning about the exciting project of Pirates. Up on their wall there are treasure maps they have made themselves.  They soaked their maps in tea to give it a brown effect.  The nursery pupils have been outside to scrub the decks like the pirates would have done.  This Friday they will be going in the school woods to hunt about for treasure. Hopefully we will keep you up to date about how their treasure hunt went.

By: Ailsa and Lauren c-m, primary 7 SC