The Learning Council is a council for children at Gordon Primary to debate about important things could improve the school.Recently we had a vote of whether the primary 4 should be with the older children or the younger children in the school disco coming up soon.
Meetings are held in a variety of places, such as the I.C.T suite, Mrs Macintosh’s room and shorter meetings are held in the big hall just after Assembly. T
Last year the learning council had an encounter with Dennis Robertson and some time later we went to the Scottish Parliament and saw two other MSPs. We also went to see a debate in the parliament.
Soon there will be an election of new class representatives at the end of term 1. Primary 7 probably won’t be allowed as they would have a very limited time being part of the Learning council.
We have our own school motto “Everyone has a voice,” That means everyone can talk and express themselves without being embarrassed and that the council will represent the views of everyone.