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Visual & English resources

Visual resources with the English vocabulary are really helpful, provided visuals are clear (see the advice on using clear visuals in general advice). More advice is also available from Visuals - The Bell Foundation (

Widgit symbols

Using Read & Write, Immersive reader and other software/apps allows quick access to clear visuals that can support vocabulary and understanding. The visual glossary at the top of the page was produced using the ‘vocabulary list’ tool, which has images for a wide range of vocabulary and terms, including subject specific vocabulary as shown.

Picture dictionaries

These are great resources to use with children and usually have a range of themes and topics with a good range of vocabulary. Some good examples are:

DK Visual dictionary (ISBN 978-0241292464)

Arabic-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary with Free Audio App (DK Bilingual Visual Dictionary): DK: 9780241292464: Books Although this is bilingual and in a few different languages, the images and English words are great for older children who may want to use a wider range of vocabulary to demonstrate their subject specific knowledge.

Oxford Picture Dictionary (978-0194505291)

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition | Teaching Resources | Oxford University Press (

Description from the above website: “The Oxford Picture Dictionary program provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners. Throughout this teacher's website you'll find sample materials and strategic support that will help you and your students take full advantage of the OPD program.”

A bilingual version is available in a few languages.

Oxford Wordpower Dictionary is a helpful English resource for supporting bilingual pupils.  ‘Oxford Wordpower Dictionary is a corpus-based dictionary that provides the tools intermediate learners need to build vocabulary and prepare for exams. Oxford 3000 keyword entries show the most important words to know in English. This edition includes new Topic Notes, Exam Tips and Writing Tips, and a 16-page Wordpower Writing Tutor.’ Oxford Wordpower Dictionary | Teaching Resources | Oxford University Press (

Web resources

There are many visual resources available online for supporting secondary pupils across a range of subjects. These resourecs would be helpful for all pupils.


·      Free EAL Teaching Resources - The Bell Foundation (

·      Secondary Homework Help | Online subjects - BBC Bitesize also has good quality visuals and good English descriptions. The content can be translated in page, (being mindful of potential for errors).