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Bilingual Books

Books in a child’s first language or dual language books (with first language and English) are valuable resources that can support a child’s development of both languages. Parents/carers can be invited into the nursery to read in first language, or books can be read in English in the early years setting and in first language at home. When children hear a story in their first language and in English they will build links between the two languages which will support their overall language development. Another advantage is that all children in the nursery will benefit from learning about new languages, cultures and perspectives.

Where to find books?

  • The EAL Service and library service have a limited supply of books that you may be able to loan, but availability varies depending on language.
  • A range of dual language paperback books and eBooks are available from More common languages tend to have more resources available, so some titles may not be available in less common languages. Mantra Lingua also sell talking pens which can be used to read books aloud. Once you have a book in one language you can listen to the story in all available languages. If you buy eBooks then you can read or listen to them aloud through the eBook reader on a tablet or computer.

Some highlights are:

Deepak’s Diwah

Samira’s Eid

Swirling Hijab

Handa’s Hen

Handa’s Surprise

Tom and Sofia start school

Walking through the Jungle

·      These books and others can also be sourced through Browns Books ( and, as well as other suppliers. A range of books popular in Britain are also available in many other languages, including the Gruffalo, Mr Men, The Very Hungry Caterpillar etc. If you google ‘dual language children’s books’ you will find many other suppliers.

  • BookTrust have translated tips for parents on reading with their children. There are booklets for 0-12 months, 3-4 years and older children available in a range of languages. Different cultures may have different approaches to reading with children and so these booklets can be helpful in supporting parents and carers to understand how nurseries in Scotland encourage parents to use books with their child.


There are many websites with good strategies and a range of downloadable visual resources (e.g. communication fans, starter instruction fans, literacy, numeracy, topic cards, posters, games and audio stories)

·       Teddy Talk: Supporting EAL Children in Nursery (

·       Aberdeenshire translated info for parents Information for parents on applying for P1 and supporting their child’s language acquisition

·       BBC Languages This has now been archived but some parts still work. See and hear common words & phrases to learn welcoming phrases before a new pupil arrives

· Translations of useful phrases in many languages

·       Bilingual quick tips | National Literacy Trust Quick tips for parents of young bilingual children, available in a range of languages

·       Bookstart Baby, Bookstart Treasure and dual-language books | BookTrust

·       Tips for reading with your child | BookTrust (Scroll down to the bottom for translated advice for parents/carers on reading with their child)

· Early years teaching resources

· A range of visual and translated resources.

Other Resources

·      Puppets are useful resources to take the pressure away from children communicating with an adult or group. The children can hide behind the puppet to express themselves. Puppets can be sourced through many different suppliers e.g. , Puppets from One Way UK, Hand Puppets and Accessories -; The Puppet Company


·      Persona dolls involve ‘telling stories using a ‘special’ Persona Doll. Through creating a lifelike persona for the doll, it becomes like another child, or friend to the children, with real life experiences.  Some stories will be happy, others about difficult events or problems (exclusion, unfairness, prejudice). The children help to solve the problems.’ About – Persona Doll Training


·      Talking photo books/albums can be used for home school links, to send photos home with English comment recorded by the child or nursery and the parent or child can record a comment at home.


They can also be used to make dual language stories. If the group have been on a trip to a shop or to the park, seaside etc, two copies of each photo can be put in the album. If there are older children in a school who speak the same language as children in the school nursery, they can record the English and other language comment for the pictures and then the children in nursery can enjoy looking at the book and hearing the different parts of their trip in both languages.


Pictures from Dolls will teach kids to embrace differences in people - North Bay News (; One Way UK - Puppets, Puppet Training Events; Transition - 9 top tips for managing transition from nursery to school (