P1 Room10 makes Traffic Light Kebabs and dips

First we washed our hands so we didn’t get germs on the food. We also washed the vegetables. We chopped yellow pepper and cucumber and we put them on coctail sticks with a tomato. Tomato first, then the pepper and then the cucumber to make a traffic light. We also made dips: mackeral pate, chilli salsa, soft cheese and tomato dip. We tasted and smelled the ingredients while we were making the dips. We had to chop ingredients and stir them together. P4/5 came to visit and to eat with us.

31 thoughts on “P1 Room10 makes Traffic Light Kebabs and dips”

  1. From room 11 we all liked coming to see room 10. We all enjoyed the dips. Some tried the mackrel dip and really liked it. we learned about what you put inside the dips. They were really healthy.

  2. from room 12= it’s good that you washed your hands before you cooked the vegetables so you didn’t have germs on your hands. It’s good to cook because when you are bigger you can cook for someone or for yourself at home. Some people like kebabs like me .I think your class had good fun cooking. It’s a good thing to do in school or at home.

  3. We thought your traffic light kebabs sounded delicious. The dips sounded good to, we thought the chili dip would be the best. Your skills were good because you chopped,washed ingredients and you all worked together. Did you think that room 11 liked it and why? How long did it take for you to make it? We wished that we could taste it! You looked like you were having fun, were you?

    From room 8 main building

  4. These do look tasty and you also made sure there are no germs.Did you try it if you did how did it taste?

  5. Your traffic light kababs look very tasty. You did a good job and you made a very healthy meal to munch on. Well done.

  6. its very good that you washed your hands. I really wanted to be there so i could try it. Well done

  7. That was good of you all to wash your hands so that their would be no germs on anything. Hope you had fun making your kebabs and i hope primary 4/5 like your kababs they look lovely and so yummy. I think you did a great job primary 1 room 10 well done!

  8. I hope you enjoyed the kebabs because they do look very tasty and i like the dips that you used.

  9. That was good for you washing your hands to not get any germs on anything. I Hope you liked making kebabs they looked delicous.

  10. It was good that you washed your hands and the food before you made the kebabs. I hope you liked them as I would have. Good job!

  11. That is good well done hope you enjoyed making your traffic light kebabs and that is good that you washed your hands and they look really good

  12. I thhought that u guys made an amazing job. Hope you guys enjoyed yourselfs and hope u guys hope they tasted fine. 🙂

  13. When i look at your pictures the food is looking very exciting food and colours food it’s look like a rindow or something it look’s good and good fun i think that you have good fun doing them. 🙂

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